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ESP DMW-220 tarkastuspeili

ESP DMW-220 tarkastuspeili

ESP DMW-220 tarkastuspeili

Movable detection mirror

This detection mirror is equipped with a wheel which significantly eases the process of security checks. The wheel turns in all directions so you can comfortably maneuver the mirror into the desired spot – for instance beneath vehicles. The mirror's curved shape is very advantageous as it greatly increases the angle of observation. The wheel also helps support the weight of the mirror and does not strain the arm of the user during prolonged use.

The mirror is fixed to the rod with a swiveling joint, which makes it possible to adjust the angle of observation. At the other end of the ergonomically shaped steel rod with the wheel is a rubber handle for comfortable ..

Diameter of the mirror: 218 mm, Diameter of  reflective surface:204 mm Weight:1 696 g

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ESP DMW-220 tarkastuspeili

ESP DMW-220 tarkastuspeili

Movable detection mirror

This detection mirror is equipped with a wheel which significantly eases the process of security checks. The wheel turns in all directions so you can comfortably maneuver the mirror into the desired spot – for instance beneath vehicles. The mirror's curved shape is very advantageous as it greatly increases the angle of observation. The wheel also helps support the weight of the mirror and does not strain the arm of the user during prolonged use.

The mirror is fixed to the rod with a swiveling joint, which makes it possible to adjust the angle of observation. At the other end of the ergonomically shaped steel rod with the wheel is a rubber handle for comfortable ..

Diameter of the mirror: 218 mm, Diameter of  reflective surface:204 mm Weight:1 696 g

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